Our words are powerful and they control our destinies.  Although Christ has indeed redeemed us from the curse of the law according to Galatians 3:13-14, it’s our words that activate the Blessing of Abraham in our lives.  Otherwise, the Blessing of Abraham will not produce the good success that God designed it to provide.

Words have power - handwriting on a napkin with cup of coffee

A Lack of Knowledge

Unfortunately, many pastors and Bible teachers don’t understand the spiritual law of confession.  They do very little teaching about confession; hence, the average believer is ignorant of its power.  They don’t recognize that negative words bring bad things in their lives.  And the sad thing is most believers don’t understand why these bad things are happening and how to stop them.

They don’t realize they are victims of their own words

Hung By The Tongue

Many believers are hung by their tongue as the late Charles Capps said.  They think they are victims of an outside force when bad things happen. As I said above, they don’t realize they are victims of their own words.

For this reason, we should stop saying anything that’s inconsistent with Scripture. Things like,

  • I’m sick and tire;
  • Life sucks;
  • you’re killing me;
  • Nothing good ever happens for me;
  • I can’t…;
  • I’m broke;
  • I’m sick;
  • These children are getting on my last nerve;
  • I’m catching the flu;
  • my diabetes;
  • and many other things that contradict Scripture.

We cannot let the devil have the last word in our minds or lives.

Instead of talking like this, we should commit to making only Bible-based confessions over our lives daily regardless of what we’re seeing or feeling.  We should repeat these confessions throughout the day.  We should repeat them relentlessly every time negative thoughts enter our minds even if we must do it a thousand times a day.  We cannot let the devil have the last word in our minds or lives.

These Bible-based confessions will release into our lives the power of God. Conversely, negative confessions that contradict the Bible will release into our lives the power of the devil.  Obviously, the spiritual law of confession is really serious business.

Ten Powerful Confessions

The spiritual law of confession is so serious that I compiled a list of ten confessions that every believer should make daily and throughout the day.  Although this list covers major areas of our lives, it’s not exhaustive and may not cover specific situations you are facing.  Please modify it as you see fit.  Here they are.

  1. Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of the law, and the blessing of Abraham has come upon me and is making me rich without sorrow (Proverbs 10:22 and Galatians 3:14).
  2. I claim all the benefits of the 91st and 103rd Psalms for my family and me.
  3. Everything I do prospers including at home, work and church (Psalm 1:1-3).
  4. Great things are happening for me as the Lord releases His blessing in my life (Acts 2:47).
  5. I live in divine health according to Isaiah 53:3-5, Matthew 8:17 and 1 Peter 2:24.
  6. The Holy Spirit leads me into all truth because I know His voice and have His mind (John 10:27; 1 Corinthians 2:16).
  7. My children are on fire for the Lord and they’re doing mighty exploits upon the earth (Psalm 112).
  8. Jesus loves and cares for me tenderly and affectionately (1 Peter 5:7).
  9. I have peace of mind, and I’m entirely free from all fear and anxieties because I have cast all my cares upon Jesus once and for all (1 Peter 5:7; Philippians 4:6-7).
  10. God is increasing favor upon me abundantly and causing supernatural increase to breakout and abound everywhere in my life (2 Corinthians 9:8).


I challenge you to commit to speaking these powerful words over your life daily.  As I said above, repeat them every time a negative thought enters your mind.  Replace all negative thoughts with these confessions.  If you stick to this practice and don’t quit, your life will change for the better over time.  Amen!

Question:  How have negative or postive words impacted your life in the past?